Mont Blanc Guides

Book your own Mont Blanc guide that will join you on this 6-day adventure that ends with you standing on the top of the highest peak in Western Europe.
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Have you ever wished to climb Mont Blanc? Going with an experienced guide is undoubtedly the best way to do it!

Because we know what we’re doing, it both increases your safety and improves the odds of reaching the Mont Blanc summit.

Fully-licensed guides with years of experience on Mont Blanc

We are a team of experienced professional mountain guides with more than 15 years of experience in leading tours to Mont Blanc and other mountains of the world.

We are all fully licensed by the IFMGA (International Federation of Mountain Guides Associations). This means we have been trained and certified at the highest level in the world to conduct guided mountain tours on any mountain in the world.

last steps before mont blanc summit

15 years of experience with climbing Mont Blanc

The training takes 5 years, but potential guides must have an extensive climbing résumé even before that. But the education doesn’t stop there — every one of us Mont Blanc Guides is constantly learning and updating their knowledge, making a climb with one of us one of the safest and most enjoyable options to reach the summit of Mont Blanc.

Apart from significantly improving the safety of every guided tour, we are also there to relay the knowledge about the mountains we know so well to you, our clients. The training and also the years of experience climbing Mont Blanc gave us a lot of knowledge about the mountain and its conditions, which we use to make sound decisions when leading our Mont Blanc expeditions.

This is what Mont Blanc guides recommend

Mont Blanc isn’t one of the more technical mountains. But at the altitude of 4808 metres, it presents a risk of altitude sickness. Including acclimatisation in your program is mandatory.

Check out our 6 full-day climbing Mont Blanc program to see what a full Mont Blanc expedition needs to include to have the highest chance of being successful.

We recommend a 6-day climbing program because:

  • It uses the first half for acclimatisation
  • It has more potential days for summiting Mont Blanc

Only by sleeping in huts at a high altitude will you decrease the risk of contracting altitude sickness, which in turn prevents you from summiting Mont Blanc. Our program includes 4 days of nights in mountain huts, which automatically gives you a higher chance of being able to reach the peak on summit day.

gouter hut

Gouter Hut

The season for climbing Mont Blanc is not all-year-round. The same can be said for the limited space in mountain huts. Spots usually run out in the first few months of the year. Booking as soon as possible is the only way to have a chance to climb Mont Blanc the following summer.

Inquire now, and reserve your spot on one of our future Mont Blanc expeditions.

Sandra Hofmann
Verified Customer
Unser Traum von der Besteigung des Mont Blanc hat sich erfüllt. Dafür gibt es keine Garantie, denn das Wetter ist unberechenbar. Alles andere wurde von euch sehr gut organisiert: von Beginn weg konnten wir unsere Fragen zur Vorbereitung stellen und bekamen relevante Antworten. Später kamen gewisse Umbuchungen dazu, welche von euch ermöglicht wurden. Vor Ort trafen wir unseren Bergführer: er führte uns absolut professionell und vermittelte uns viel Sicherheit am Berg. Mit den Unterkünften hat auch alles geklappt. Wir sind rundum zufrieden und können World Discovery nur weiterempfehlen.
Climb Mont Blanc is a premium provider of guided Mont Blanc expeditions with professional and experienced guides who give you the best odds of reaching the summit.
© Copyright by Climb Mont Blanc
Portfolio company of World Discovery.